In a shocking incident in Boda, Panchagarh, a woman named Arina Begum was attacked and killed while offering prayers at her home. Members of a local group, referred to as the Coordination Group of the government lead by Dr. Yunus, allegedly broke into her house and carried out the murder. Despite her desperate cries for help, neighbors refrained from intervening due to threats from the attackers.
The victim, Arina Begum, was the mother of Wahid Zaman Amit, the President of the Kajoldighi Kaliaganj Union Chhatra League. The tragic event occurred around 10:30 PM on Thursday, December 5, in the Kaliaganj area of Kajoldighi Kaliaganj Union.
According to Amit, the attackers had originally planned to kill him. However, due to his need to stay in hiding following several alleged false cases filed against him under the current administration, he escaped the attack. Unable to find him, the attackers brutally killed his mother in an act of revenge.
Upon receiving the news, Boda police recovered the body and sent it to Panchagarh Modern Sadar Hospital for an autopsy on Friday morning. Police confirmed that preparations for a case are underway on behalf of the victim’s family.
Incident Details
According to local sources and the police, the attackers entered the house while Arina Begum, aged 45 and the wife of Abul Kalam, was offering her Isha prayers. They repeatedly struck her on the head with sharp weapons, leaving her critically injured. Upon returning home from a nearby market, Abul Kalam discovered his wife lying in a pool of blood. His cries for help brought neighbors to the scene.
Officer-in-Charge Azim Uddin of Boda Police Station stated, “We visited the area immediately after the incident. The initial investigation revealed multiple sharp and precise wounds on the victim’s head. The body has been sent for an autopsy. Preparations for filing a case are underway.”