President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on February 20 that Ukraine is ready to work quickly and tirelessly to make a strong and useful agreement on investment and security with the United States. “Zelenskiy said he had a” “good discussion” “with General Keith Kellogg, the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine and Russia.” The meeting came a day after Mr Zelensky and US President Donald Trump exchanged barbs during US-Russian talks to end the three-year war over Kiev against Moscow. Ukraine was not invited to the meeting. “We must ensure that peace is strong and lasting – so that Russia can never again return to war,” Zelensky wrote. He said Ukraine is ready for a strong, effective investment and security agreement with the US president. We have proposed the fastest and most constructive way to achieve results. Our team is ready to work 24/7. Zelensky said his discussions with General Kellogg focused on the situation on the battlefield, the security guarantees Ukraine is seeking, and the return of prisoners of war. “” “It is important for us, and for the entire free world, that the power of America be felt.”