A Hindu police woman has been killed and found hanged in Bangladesh once again. A series of police killings began after the conspiratorial ouster of Sheikh Hasina on August 5. Dozens of policemen were killed and hanged and the video was circulated on social media.
The police recovered the hanging body of a female constable named Trisha Biswas (22) from the barracks of Patuakhali Police Line. The body of Trisha Biswas was recovered at 7 am on Sunday. Trisha Biswas is the daughter of Krishna Biswas of East Kamalapur village of Dasar police station in Madaripur district. He joined the service in November 2023. It is said that after talking to Trishna Biswas’ family, Patuakhali police station called Madaripur at 8.30 am and informed Trishna’s mother that Trishna had committed suicide. But at 7 o’clock in the morning Trishna talks to her uncle, who is working in BGB. Trishna calls her uncle and requests to transfer Trishna from Patuakhali to another place as soon as possible. Because thirst doesn’t feel safe here. Trishna’s mother was informed about Trishna’s death hours after her uncle hung up. Trishna’s family tried all day today but couldn’t get Trishna’s postmortem done, they didn’t find Trishna’s body. It is said that the dead body cannot be given unless permission is given by the SI in charge of this case. Despite repeated requests to the SI, the SI says that the body cannot be handed over post mortem without the above order.

The hanging body of Officer-in-Charge (OC) Al Amin was recovered from inside the Zajira Police Station complex in Shariatpur.
Trishna’s family is still waiting to claim the body. As the reason for suicide of Thirsna, the police say that Thirsna had mental problems But Trishna’s family said they never saw any mental problems in Trishna. Trishna never said that to anyone. And the night before Trishna died, a cousin of hers who is involved in nursing talked to her about various things. He said he felt unsafe in Patuakhali. And spoke very naturally. No one has ever seen any mental dissonance in thirst. However, after Trishna’s death, the police claimed that a prescription for mental illness treatment was found in Trishna’s room. But all day Trishna’s family requested the police to see the prescription. Police could not show any prescription.
No one but a madman would say that someone could commit suicide after seeing this picture that the police showed that Thirst had committed suicide. Trishna’s family is unable to open their mouths Because Trishna has a seven-year-old younger brother. If her younger brother is also killed then who will provide security Trishna’s family is forced to be dumb. You are also forced to keep your mouth shut What is the crime of thirst? Is thirst the crime of thirst? If it continues in this way, it is absolutely a part of serial killing over the police and it is targeted.
Such a brutal incident of killing the members of the main security forces of a state in this way and spreading it on social media with joy is rare in the history of the world. The rule of law in Bangladesh is now on the verge of zero. Almost every day there are pictures / videos of policemen being killed and hanged. After the fall of the Hasina government in the wake of intense conspiracy, Mohammad Yunus became the head of the so-called government. He went to the United Nations and described all their conspiracies to topple Sheikh Hasina as ‘technically designed’. So killing policemen one by one is part of that planned design? Death is now Bangladesh. Such a deterioration of the rule of law has never been seen before in history. If this situation continues, it is conceivable that the impending consequences of Bangladesh are going to be very bad. A few days back, An OC (Officer-in-charge) was found hanged and dead in his own office. His hanging body was tied with a window where his legs found the ground. It was clear that It was killing and definitely target killing.