Statement by Prominent US-Based Bangladeshis Condemning the Attempt to Repeal the 1972 Constitution Through Reform Proposals

Prominent US-based Bangladeshis have expressed their condemnation and opposition to the unconstitutional and undemocratic government’s various reform initiatives. Under the banner of “Ekattorer Prohori” (The Sentinels of ’71), they issued a joint statement, declaring:
“Since the political shift in Bangladesh on August 5, 2024, we have observed, with deep regret, systematic attempts to undermine and discredit the glorious history of Bangladesh Liberation War. These efforts are aimed at creating controversy and diminishing the pride of our independence.
In the last five and a half months, this destructive campaign has escalated. With heavy hearts, we witnessed the destruction of all monuments commemorating the Liberation War, the arson of House 32 in Dhanmondi (the birthplace of our independence movement), the desecration of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s statue, and attacks on the National Anthem. The Liberation War Museum and its archives were destroyed. The number of martyrs in the Liberation War was called into question under the pretext of curriculum changes. The ultimate sacrifices of Birangonas (war heroines) were dishonored, further adding to the insult.
Most recently, we have seen a deliberate conspiracy to nullify the Constitution of 1972, earned through the bloodshed of the Liberation War, under the guise of constitutional reform.
The handwritten Constitution of 1972 stands as a historic document for the Bengali nation. Crafted after a prolonged political struggle and an armed liberation movement, it is one of independent Bangladesh’s greatest achievements. The Constitution’s four fundamental principles not only encapsulate the ideals of the Liberation War but also represent the secular, progressive Bengali culture and society that has evolved over millennia.
Without hesitation, the 1972 Constitution can be considered the authentic foundation of Bangladesh.
However, we are shocked to witness the recent assault on these very roots through recommendations from the so-called Constitution Reform Commission. It is evident that efforts have been made to erase the four fundamental principles of the 1972 Constitution, deliberately targeting the core structure of Bangladesh. The Constitution of 1972 united all aspirations of the Liberation War, including secularism, Bengali nationalism, and the socialist commitment to equitable distribution.
By erasing three of the four fundamental principles, the recommendations of the Constitution Reform Commission strike at the essence of the Liberation War and Bangladesh’s foundational spirit.
On behalf of ‘Ekattorer Prohori,’ we vehemently condemn, protest, and reject this malicious attempt. We strongly denounce all efforts to distort the history of the Liberation War, desecrate monuments, and insult the Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
In conclusion, we urge that the recommended amendments in the name of reforming the 1972 Constitution be disregarded, and the 1972 Constitution be preserved in its original form. We call for an end to all efforts aimed at discrediting the glorious history of the Liberation War. Let us lead Bangladesh in memory of the sacrifices of all freedom-loving people of 1971. At the same time, we demand an immediate halt to all forms of oppression.”
Signed by members of Ekattorer Prohori:
Dr. Nurun Nabi (Freedom Fighter), Belal Beg (Social Thinker), Dr. Zeenat Nabi (Freedom Fighter), Tajul Imam (Freedom Fighter), Dr. Hasan Mamun (Professor), Dr. Nahid Banu (Scientist), Dr. Dilip Nath (Writer and Mainstream Politician), Rafayet Chowdhury (Politician), Dr. Delwar Arif (Professor), Dr. Neeru Kamrun Nahar (Professor), Fakir Elias (Poet), Fahim Reza Noor, Lutfun Nahar Lata (Writer, Actor), Dastagir Jahangir (Journalist), Mithun Ahmed (Cultural Organizer), Minhaj Ahmed (Writer and Organizer), Annie Ferdous (Cultural Organizer), Dr. Bilkis Rahman Dola (Reciter) G. H. Arju (Organizer, Vocal Artist), Cecilia Morol (Cultural Worker), Sabina Neeru (Vocal Artist), Tahreena Preeti (Vocal Artist), Swikriti Barua (Organizer), Gopal Sannal (Activist), Pinaki Talukdar (Journalist), Gopan Saha (Vocal Artist), Abu Sayeed Ratan (Writer, Organizer), Farhana Elias Tuli (Poet), Swadhin Majumder (Vocal Artist), Khaled Sarfuddin (Writer, Organizer), Manjur Kader (Poet), Rowshan Ara Neepa (Organizer, Filmmaker), Milton Ahmed (Theatre Artist, Organizer), Mishuk Selim (Writer, Organizer), Anwar Selim (Poet, Theatre Artist), Joyturjo Chowdhury (Online Activist, Social Worker) and Smriti Bhadra (Writer)