The Sonic the Hedgehog franchise has a new champion at the box office. Sonic the Hedgehog 3, which is set for digital release on January 21 in the US, has become the highest-grossing film in the series, surpassing its predecessors. The movie has raked in an impressive $420 million globally, surpassing Sonic the Hedgehog 2, which grossed $405 million, and Sonic the Hedgehog 1, which earned $320 million worldwide.
In this threequel, Sonic teams up with Tails and Knuckles to form an unlikely alliance with the infamous Dr. Robotnik in a bid to defeat the formidable Shadow the Hedgehog. While the film is set to debut digitally in the US today, its release date in the UK has not been confirmed.
This milestone comes as the writers of Sonic 3, Josh Miller and Pat Casey, shared insights into the creative process behind the film. They discussed the decision to diverge from the video game’s narrative, especially when it came to the portrayal of Maria Robotnik’s tragic death. In the game, Maria is killed by a soldier while aiding Shadow’s escape, a moment that profoundly impacts Sonic. However, the writers explained that this storyline was deemed inappropriate for a PG-rated film.
“We couldn’t have a storyline hinging on a little girl getting shot,” Miller explained in a recent interview with GamesRadar. “It was never on the cards. It would’ve been tough to include that in a PG movie.”
With its record-breaking success and compelling new direction, Sonic the Hedgehog 3 continues to push the boundaries of its beloved franchise. Fans can expect even more action and heart as the movie takes the series in bold new directions.