Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan live in their house in Bandra, Mumbai. And miscreants entered that house late at night and stabbed the actor. The actor was rushed to Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital in a bloody state. Getting to the hospital with serious injuries was not easy at all.
According to India TV, Saif Ali was attacked late last Wednesday (January 15) when the driver was not there. So Saif had to go to Lilavati Hospital by autorickshaw. Bhajan Singh Rana, the autorickshaw driver who took the actor to the hospital, narrated the entire incident to Indian media.
In the middle of the night, an auto-rickshaw stopped on an empty road at the call of a woman. There sat three people including a child. The middle-aged man was seriously injured and his body was covered in blood. The injured man got down from the auto-rickshaw as soon as he reached Lilavati Hospital premises. Looking at the hospital guards and staff passing by, please bring a stretcher. I am Saif Ali Khan’ said Bhajan Singh Rana.
Bhajan Singh was driving an autorickshaw on the empty streets of Mumbai at midnight. From a house on Bandra Linking Road, a woman was shouting rickshaw. Bhajan stopped the auto in front of the door after hearing the call. Meanwhile, Saif was taken to the hospital in an auto by his son Ibrahim Ali Khan. Saif Ali’s step son Taimur was with him at that time.
Bhajan said that he did not realize until he reached the hospital that the injured person sitting in the back seat of his car was actually Saif Ali Khan. In fact, it was more important to take the injured person to the hospital than to understand who was there.
He said, he did not realize that Saif Ali Khan was in the auto, he was the injured person. I saw a person being picked up in my auto in such a condition as it is when there is a severe injury. I was also nervous. I thought maybe there was a fight. I rushed them to the hospital. They called the security guard at the hospital. He said to call other workers. And then he said, ‘I am Saif Ali Khan’.