Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan’s attacker, Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad, has confessed to the assault, according to reports from Indian media outlets. Mumbai police sources have confirmed that Shehzad admitted to attacking Saif Ali Khan, although the exact motive behind the assault remains unclear. Investigations are ongoing, and Shehzad is being questioned further by the authorities.
The attack occurred on January 16 at around 1:37 AM, when Shehzad entered Saif’s residence and repeatedly stabbed the actor before fleeing the scene. After news of the attack broke, Shehzad attempted to evade the police by using multiple aliases and hiding. However, police received a tip-off and managed to apprehend him in the Kasarvadavali jungle area near Hiranandani Estate in Thane.
In response to the information about Shehzad’s whereabouts, more than 100 police officers launched a search operation, which lasted for about an hour before they successfully arrested him.
Shehzad has been presented in a Mumbai court and is currently in five-day police custody.
Investigators claim that Shehzad is a Bangladeshi national, based on documents found with him. However, Shehzad’s lawyers maintain that he is not from Bangladesh but is an Indian citizen, having lived in Mumbai with his family for many years.
The motive behind the attack and further details regarding Shehzad’s identity are still under investigation by Mumbai police.