Actor Saif Ali Khan has been admitted to the ICU following surgery after being attacked by assailants while trying to protect his domestic help. The incident occurred late Wednesday night at his residence in West Bandra, Mumbai. Assailants broke into his house and assaulted him with sharp weapons, leaving him severely injured. Saif was rushed to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai, where he underwent surgery. Doctors have now declared him out of danger.
According to doctors, Saif was shifted to the ICU for post-operative observation. His condition will be reviewed tomorrow morning to decide on further steps. Preliminary assessments suggest he may be discharged within two days.
Reports indicate that the attack took place when Saif tried to save his domestic worker, Lima.
Mumbai Police informed the Indian media that the assailants entered Saif’s residence at midnight. Initially, it was believed that the break-in was for robbery. However, after reviewing CCTV footage, police discovered that the intruders had entered the upscale Bandra property much earlier. Investigations revealed that Saif was attacked while trying to protect a domestic worker.
Following an initial investigation, Bandra police confirmed that the domestic worker, Iliama Philip, also known as Lima, first noticed the intruders around 2:00 AM on Wednesday. She raised an alarm to alert others. Hearing her screams, Saif came out of his room and confronted the intruders. A scuffle ensued, during which one of the assailants attacked Saif with a sharp weapon. Lima was also injured, suffering a wound to her right wrist.
Police officials are now questioning Lima for further details. It was revealed that she was the first target of the attackers.
The incident occurred at around 2:00 AM, and by 3:30 AM, Saif’s elder son, Ibrahim Ali Khan, rushed him to Lilavati Hospital in a critical condition.