Pinkvilla has exclusively learned that Priyanka Chopra has been locked to play the female lead in SS Rajamouli’s upcoming untitled film, alongside Mahesh Babu. This marks Priyanka’s return to the Indian Film Industry after a six-year hiatus, with her last film in India being The Sky Is Pink. The movie, a Pan-World African Jungle Adventure, is set to begin filming in April 2025.
Sources close to the development reveal that Rajamouli, known for his blockbuster successes with Baahubali and RRR, had been searching for a female lead with global appeal. Priyanka, with her international fame, was the ideal choice for the role. The director had several discussions with the actress over the last six months, and now the collaboration is set to move forward.
The film will feature Mahesh Babu as an explorer, with characteristics inspired by Lord Hanuman. Priyanka’s character is said to be a strong, action-oriented role, complementing Mahesh Babu’s adventurous persona. The two stars will create an unforgettable dynamic, embarking on a thrilling journey that promises high-octane action and grand spectacle.
Filming is expected to continue until the end of 2026, with the film slated for a major theatrical release in 2027. Rajamouli is also in talks with global studios like Disney and Sony for potential collaborations, and the movie will be shot across multiple locations, including studios in India and the United States, as well as the dense African forests.
With Priyanka Chopra’s return to the Indian film industry and Rajamouli’s unmatched vision, this adventure film is shaping up to be a cinematic event of global proportions.