The Border Security Force (BSF) of India has issued an ‘Ops Alert’ along the Bangladesh border. A directive has been released instructing BSF personnel to conduct drills along the India-Bangladesh border in the northeastern states and West Bengal.
Additionally, heightened surveillance and caution in unprotected border areas have been advised. This ‘Ops Alert’ has been issued ahead of India’s Republic Day and will remain in effect until January 31.
According to a report by Indian news agency ANI on Thursday (January 23), the BSF has initiated a 10-day ‘Ops Alert’ drill to ensure heightened security along the India-Bangladesh border in preparation for the 76th Republic Day of India. This measure has been taken considering the evolving situation in Bangladesh.
Indian media reports that the total length of the India-Bangladesh border across the northeastern states and West Bengal is 4,096 kilometers. The directive issued to all border outposts on Thursday evening emphasized that the BSF must maintain utmost vigilance from January 23 to January 31. The initiative, termed ‘Ops Alert’ by the BSF, mandates regular drills and reinforced security measures.
The directive further states that frequent drills must be conducted along the Bangladesh border to ensure a foolproof security system. Additional personnel may be deployed at night to enhance surveillance if required. The BSF has expressed concerns about possible provocations from the other side of the border aimed at destabilizing the situation during Republic Day. BSF’s Eastern Command has instructed senior officers to communicate effectively with residents of border-adjacent villages and make them aware of the situation.
Ravi Gandhi, Special DG of BSF’s Eastern Command, has already inspected several border outposts. The directive mentions that several stretches of the border lack fencing, which necessitates the highest level of vigilance, particularly in these unprotected areas, for the next seven days.
The notification clarifies that the 4,096-kilometer-long India-Bangladesh border is being fortified under the ‘Ops Alert’ initiative. Security measures at all border outposts have been enhanced, with intensified patrolling and operational duties during this period.
It also mentions that during the ‘Ops Alert,’ the BSF will conduct various security drills and operational exercises. Reconciliation programs with the local population in border areas will also be organized to maintain harmony.
Notably, there has been tension in recent days between the BSF and Bangladesh Border Guard (BGB) over the construction of border fencing. The BSF has faced resistance from the BGB and local Bangladeshis while attempting to erect fences at multiple points. This resistance has forced the BSF to halt fencing operations in some areas. Amidst this situation, the BSF has issued the ‘Ops Alert’ along the Bangladesh border.