Netflix is set to remove the critically acclaimed sci-fi thriller Annihilation from its platform in March 2025. The movie, directed by Alex Garland and based on Jeff VanderMeer’s novel, will be available to stream until March 11, 2025, after which it will be removed exactly seven years after its international release.
The film follows a biologist, played by Natalie Portman, who leads an all-woman team into a mysterious, quarantined zone known as The Shimmer. Inside, they encounter bizarre and dangerous mutations in plants and animals. The movie features an impressive cast, including Jennifer Jason Leigh, Gina Rodriguez, Tessa Thompson, Tuva Novotny, and Oscar Isaac. Annihilation was widely praised for its imaginative storytelling, stunning visuals, and its tense, thought-provoking narrative, drawing comparisons to classics like The Thing and Alien.
Despite the film’s success, it faced some controversy when it bypassed UK cinemas and went straight to Netflix. Actor David Gyasi expressed his disappointment at not being able to see the film on the big screen, admitting that he felt “gutted” by the decision.
The removal of Annihilation is part of Netflix’s regular practice of rotating its content. As audience preferences shift, Netflix continues to adjust its library, removing older titles to make way for new releases. Fans of the movie only have until March 11, 2025, to watch it before it vanishes from the platform.