The highly anticipated sequel, Moana 2, has reached an impressive milestone at the global box office, crossing the $700 million mark. The film, which continues the adventures of the beloved Polynesian heroine, has captivated audiences worldwide and is proving to be another massive success for Disney.
Released in theaters earlier this year, Moana 2 follows the story of Moana and her friends as they embark on a new journey to save their island, encountering fresh challenges and new characters. The film has resonated with both fans of the original Moana (2016) and new viewers, thanks to its stunning animation, heartwarming story, and memorable soundtrack.
The success of Moana 2 comes as no surprise, given the global popularity of the first film, which grossed over $640 million worldwide. With its themes of empowerment, adventure, and family, Moana 2 has continued to earn rave reviews from critics and audiences alike. The film is expected to keep climbing the box office charts in the coming weeks, further cementing its place as one of Disney’s most successful animated films.
As the movie continues to attract audiences globally, Disney is also expected to capitalize on merchandise and other media tie-ins, further expanding the reach of Moana’s world. With its $700 million milestone, Moana 2 stands as a testament to the enduring popularity of animated films and the power of Disney’s storytelling.