On Thursday, January 2, 2025, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee accused the Border Security Force (BSF) of enabling infiltration from Bangladesh as part of an alleged central government plan to destabilize the state. Speaking at an administrative review meeting, Banerjee claimed that infiltrators were entering through border regions such as Islampur, Sitai, and Chopra.
Banerjee alleged that this was part of a “blueprint” orchestrated by the central government to disrupt peace in Bengal. She also criticized the BSF for alleged misconduct, including the mistreatment of women, and claimed that the border force was failing in its responsibilities. “The BSF is supposed to guard the borders, not the Trinamool Congress. If infiltrators are entering, the responsibility lies with them, not us,” she said.
Additionally, Banerjee raised concerns about the lack of information sharing regarding international arrivals, saying the state no longer receives details about those entering through flights, as visas are issued by the central government.
Rejecting the allegations, a senior BSF official dismissed Banerjee’s claims, asserting that the force maintains a vigilant 24/7 watch over the borders and performs its duties with utmost dedication.
Meanwhile, the BJP accused the Chief Minister of deflecting attention from her administration’s shortcomings. State BJP President Sukanta Majumdar termed her accusations baseless, suggesting they were intended to shield the failures of her party. He criticized Banerjee for not providing land for border outposts while blaming the BSF for border security issues.
The political feud comes amid reports of escalating violence in parts of Bengal. In Uttar Dinajpur’s Dalkhola area, miscreants reportedly attacked and looted Hindu residents in Babhania village without provocation, further intensifying tensions in the state.