Actress Kangana Ranaut has launched a strong critique against the Academy Awards, accusing them of promoting films that depict India in a negative light. Her comments come after the recent failure of Laapataa Ladies to make it to the Oscars’ shortlist. In an interview with Times Now, Ranaut voiced her frustration with what she sees as a deliberate narrative by the Oscars to highlight the country’s struggles and societal issues.
Ranaut, known for her outspoken views, said, “Usually, the agenda they push for India is very different. Jo Oscar pick karta hai is anti-India,” pointing out that many Oscar-nominated films from India portray the country in an unflattering manner. She further added, “It always has to be a film that makes the country look like a sh*thole,” suggesting that the Oscars prioritize films that reflect poverty and social challenges rather than India’s progress.
Kangana’s Discontent with Religious Intolerance Narrative
The Queen actress also expressed disappointment over the tendency of certain films to highlight religious intolerance in India, a narrative that she believes appeals to Western award bodies. “I heard the director say that in India, you don’t have the freedom to love because of religious intolerance,” Kangana remarked, criticizing such portrayals as being one-sided and untrue to the country’s diverse and evolving landscape.
Kangana drew parallels to the film Slumdog Millionaire, which won several Oscars in 2009. She argued that the Academy often chooses films that focus on India’s poverty and societal issues rather than those that celebrate the country’s achievements and advancements. “For the Oscars, it has to be a film that makes the country look bad. Slumdog Millionaire, etc. It always has to be a film that makes the country look like a sh*thole,” she stated.
Kangana also took the opportunity to discuss her upcoming directorial debut, Emergency, which is set to release on January 17, 2025. The film, which portrays former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi during the 1975 Emergency period, is expected to be a significant cinematic milestone in her career. Unlike the narratives she criticizes, Kangana emphasized that Emergency will not cater to anti-India sentiments.
“The West is ready to see how India stands today. I have never cared about these awards. I don’t care about Indian awards or Western awards,” said the 38-year-old actress. With a star-studded cast including Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade, Milind Soman, Mahima Chaudhry, and the late Satish Kaushik, Emergency promises to offer a bold, unapologetic view of a pivotal moment in India’s history.
Kangana’s comments on the Oscars and her own film highlight her commitment to showcasing India in a more nuanced, positive light while challenging the narratives pushed by international award circuits. As Emergency prepares for its January release, all eyes will be on how the film is received both in India and abroad.