“Jurassic World Rebirth,” directed by Gareth Edwards, is set to rejuvenate the franchise by introducing new characters and a fresh storyline. Scheduled for release on July 2, 2025, the film is set five years after “Jurassic World Dominion” and features a special-ops team on a mission to retrieve valuable dinosaur DNA from a secluded, dinosaur-populated tropical region. The mission becomes complicated when they must also rescue a stranded family.
The cast includes Scarlett Johansson as Zora Bennett, an ex-CIA agent leading the mission; Mahershala Ali as Duncan Kincaid; and Jonathan Bailey as Dr. Henry Loomis, a paleontologist. Their dynamic interplay adds depth to the narrative, moving away from traditional love triangles.
Edwards emphasizes a return to the suspense and adventure reminiscent of Steven Spielberg’s original “Jurassic Park,” utilizing real locations and minimizing blue screen effects.
Filming took place in Thailand, Malta, and the U.K., aiming to capture the essence of the original trilogy while introducing innovative storytelling elements.
This installment is described as “the beginning of a brand-new chapter” in the franchise, blending nostalgic elements with fresh perspectives to engage both long-time fans and new audiences.