The entire journalist community is mourning the death of Mukesh Chandrakar, a brave freelance journalist from Chhattisgarh, India. Mukesh, who remained steadfast in his fight to expose corruption and reveal the truth, was found dead on Friday (January 3) in a septic tank of a house in Bijapur district.
According to a report by Al Jazeera on Sunday (January 5), Mukesh had recently exposed a ₹120 crore corruption scandal in a road construction project. Following the publication of his report, he became a target of animosity.
A local source revealed that the initial budget for the road construction project from Gangalur to Hiroli was ₹50 crore, which was suspiciously inflated to ₹120 crore. Mukesh identified the key individuals behind this corruption and brought the matter to the attention of the state government.
Meanwhile, police have arrested four individuals, including Mukesh’s cousin Ritesh Chandrakar, in connection with the murder. It has been reported that on the day of the incident, Mukesh and the accused had dinner together. An argument broke out during the gathering, leading Ritesh and others to beat Mukesh to death with an iron rod. After the murder, his body was hidden in a septic tank, which was sealed with cement.
Mukesh Chandrakar was at the forefront of exposing corruption and crime in Bijapur and Bastar. Through his YouTube channel, Bastar Junction, he fearlessly highlighted various issues and incidents in the area. His channel had over 150,000 subscribers. Close acquaintances of Mukesh shared that he was never afraid and always remained determined to uncover the truth.
Mukesh’s brutal murder has raised fresh concerns about the safety of journalists. The Editors Guild of India expressed deep concern and issued a statement urging the government to ensure the safety of all journalists in the country. The guild also called for a thorough investigation into the murder and swift punishment for those responsible.
Mukesh Chandrakar fought for the truth until his last breath. His sacrifice will continue to inspire the journalist community and underscore the importance of fighting against corruption.