Joan Collins, best known for her iconic role as Alexis Colby in Dynasty, is set to portray Wallis Simpson in an upcoming biographical film titled The Bitter End. The 91-year-old actress revealed that filming will begin in May, marking the start of her second century with a significant role. The film will focus on the final years of Simpson, the American socialite whose marriage to King Edward VIII led to his abdication in 1936, a scandal that rocked the British monarchy.
Collins shared her excitement about the role on Instagram, posting a split-panel photo of herself and Simpson, and announcing that production will begin soon in London and Paris. “I’m delighted to be playing #WallisSimpson the #DuchessofWindsor in an untold story about her final years,” Collins wrote.
The film, which promises to shed new light on Simpson’s later years, will be directed by Mike Newell, known for his work on Four Weddings and a Funeral and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The screenplay has been penned by Louise Fennell, mother of actress Emerald Fennell, who portrayed Camilla Parker Bowles in The Crown.
Collins’ followers on social media expressed their enthusiasm for the project, with many praising the casting choice. One fan commented, “No one could play the role more exquisitely than you!” The film’s release is highly anticipated, with many curious about Simpson’s life after her marriage to Edward, who was given the title Duke of Windsor after his abdication.
Edward’s abdication and his marriage to Simpson, an American divorcée, caused a constitutional crisis in Britain, resulting in his younger brother, George VI, ascending the throne. The Duke and Duchess of Windsor spent much of their lives in exile in France, where they lived in relative isolation after the Duke’s death in 1972. Simpson passed away in 1986.
As the film delves into Simpson’s later years, The Bitter End is expected to bring a new perspective on the life of the enigmatic Duchess of Windsor.