Jason Momoa has secured a new role in the DC Universe, following his portrayal of Aquaman. The actor is set to play the anti-hero Lobo in the upcoming Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow movie. This marks a key addition to James Gunn and Peter Safran’s rebooted DC Universe, with the film being the second release after Superman: Legacy.
Momoa confirmed his casting via an Instagram post on December 30, sharing a quote from a Fandango interview where he expressed his love for the character of Lobo. He mentioned how Lobo was always his favorite comic character and how the role was a perfect fit for him, stating, “If they call and ask me to play him, it’s a f*** yeah.”
Lobo, created by Roger Slifer and Keith Giffen, is an alien mercenary and bounty hunter from the planet Czarnia, known for his violent and irreverent personality. With superhuman strength, regenerative abilities, and invulnerability, Lobo is a fearsome character in the DC Universe.
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow, starring Milly Alcock as Supergirl, will follow Kara Zor-El as she embarks on a vengeful quest against planet-destroying aliens. The film, directed by Craig Gillespie, will feature Matthias Schoenaerts as the antagonist Krem and Eve Ridley as Ruthye Marye Knoll. The screenplay is based on a series of DC comics by Tom King and Bilquis Evely. Production will begin next month, with the movie set for release on June 26, 2026.