James Woods, a globally renowned Hollywood actor, has recently suffered tremendous loss due to a wildfire in Los Angeles. His home in Pacific Palisades was completely destroyed in the blaze. In an emotional interview, the 77-year-old actor broke down while describing the horrific incident.
In an interview with CNN, Woods tearfully recalled, “One day I was swimming in the pool, the next day everything was gone.”
The wildfire is still raging. Thousands of people have been displaced, and many homes have been reduced to ashes. Woods’ home was in the area where the fire spread rapidly. The actor, known for his roles in Vampires and Once Upon a Time in America, explained that in a matter of moments, his house was engulfed in flames. He was completely unprepared for such a disaster.
Amid the devastation, Woods shared a poignant moment with his family. His wife, Sara Miller-Woods, and their 8-year-old niece, in an effort to help rebuild their home, offered the money they had saved up. Woods was deeply moved by the young girl’s supportive gesture. “It was such a small thing, but it meant a lot,” he said emotionally.
Woods also described rescuing a 94-year-old neighbor who suffers from dementia and was trapped by the flames. “He had been left alone. Everything seemed to be consumed by a massive inferno,” Woods recounted, visibly shaken. “Helping him made me incredibly emotional,” he added.
Through tears, Woods admitted, “I thought I would be stronger, but I couldn’t stop crying.”
Woods also expressed his gratitude toward his neighbors on social media, posting on X (formerly Twitter). “There is nothing more priceless than having friends and good neighbors during a tragedy,” he wrote, thanking everyone for their support.
While Woods and his neighbors have been supporting each other with humanitarian aid, the wildfire has caused significant disruption in the lives of people across Los Angeles. Thousands of residents have lost their homes, and the film industry has been severely impacted. TV productions like Hacks and Suits LA have been halted, and awards ceremonies, including the Critics’ Choice Awards, have been postponed. The Oscars’ events have also been rescheduled.