India has extended the visa of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who left for Delhi on August 5 amidst a mass uprising. Sources have revealed that her visa was extended despite Bangladesh’s request to bring her back for trial.
Since leaving the country, Sheikh Hasina has stayed out of public view and is reportedly being kept in a safe house in Delhi.
On December 23, Bangladesh sent a note verbale to India requesting her repatriation. However, New Delhi has yet to respond to the request.
Sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, stated that her visa was extended to allow her to remain in India for a longer period. It was also confirmed that she has not been granted any form of political asylum, as India does not have provisions for granting political asylum.
The extension of Sheikh Hasina’s visa was handled by India’s Ministry of Home Affairs, with the entire process carried out by the Local Foreigners Regional Office (FRRO).
Meanwhile, the Bangladeshi Passport Department has canceled the passports of Sheikh Hasina and 97 others accused in the alleged July assassination case. This information was disclosed yesterday, following the news of her visa extension by the Indian government.
Additionally, on Monday, the International Criminal Court issued a second arrest warrant against Sheikh Hasina. Despite these developments, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government has extended her visa.