In Bangladesh’s Shibchar upazila of Madaripur district, allegations have emerged against a rival group for vandalizing the residence of a journalist over a land dispute. Following the vandalism, attackers reportedly fled during a joint operation by local authorities. The incident occurred on Monday morning, January 27, in Mofitulah Howlader’s Kandi village under Bandar Khola Union.
Reports indicate that Abu Saleh Musa, a local correspondent of Bangladesh’s influential daily Kalbela, has been embroiled in a long-standing land dispute with Saddam Bepari and his associates, neighbors and relatives of Dadan Bepari. The conflict escalated when about 50 individuals, led by Shibchar Upazila Volunteer Party’s Joint Convener Rasheduzzaman Rashed, stormed Musa’s residence in the morning. The attackers reportedly threw out furniture, dismantled the tin roof and walls, and caused damages worth approximately 1.5 million Bangladeshi Taka, according to the victim’s family.
In response, a joint team of Shibchar Upazila administration, army, and police reached the scene, causing the attackers to flee. While the perpetrators were not arrested, Shibchar police seized six motorcycles from the site.
Abu Saleh Musa’s mother, Latifa Yasmin Lata, stated, “We have been living in this house for over 20 years. This morning, under the leadership of BNP leader Rasheduzzaman Rashed, my home was vandalized, causing nearly 1.5 million taka in damages.”
Musa’s father, Amjad Hossain, added, “They destroyed everything in our house. The army and police saved us; otherwise, they would have killed us. We are still living in fear and could be attacked again at any moment.”
Commenting on the incident, Abu Saleh Musa said, “This is the third time they have attacked our house. Earlier, they attacked us twice. We have received a court ruling in our favor for the disputed land. After the verdict, their hostility increased, leading to today’s attack. They destroyed everything in our home.”
Shibchar police officer-in-charge Mohammad Raton Sheikh said, “Upon receiving the news, a team comprising the army and upazila administration immediately reached the spot and prevented further damage. We have seized six motorcycles from the scene. The victim’s family has filed a complaint, and the area is currently under control.”
On August 5 last year, Nobel laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus assumed power in Bangladesh. Since then, the country has reportedly faced severe lawlessness, with incidents of mob justice, minority persecution, and extrajudicial killings becoming rampant. Journalists have also faced violence, state-backed cases, and even murders. Innocent Awami League members have allegedly been targeted by law enforcement. The deteriorating law-and-order situation has resulted in daily reports of unidentified bodies, theft, and robberies becoming commonplace.