Sydney, Australia – In a disturbing incident early Friday morning, the former home of a prominent Jewish leader, Alex Ryvchin, was vandalised, and two cars were set on fire in the Dover Heights suburb of Sydney. The attack, which included antisemitic graffiti, has been condemned by local authorities and community leaders.
New South Wales Premier Chris Minns described the attack as “disgusting and dangerous,” highlighting the rising level of antisemitic incidents in the community. The house, now owned by non-Jewish residents, was splashed with red paint, and at least one of the torched cars was spray-painted with an antisemitic slur.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese also condemned the attack, calling for strong action to prevent such incidents and ensure community safety. “It’s causing fear, which is what it is aimed at, and it needs to be stamped out,” he said.
The NSW Police Force has launched an investigation and urged anyone with information to come forward. This attack marks the third targeting the Jewish community in Sydney in the past two months.