Rory Sykes, who gained popularity as a child star on television shows, later becoming a motivational speaker, has tragically passed away in the devastating Los Angeles wildfires. His mother, Shelley Sykes, confirmed the news. Rory was 32 years old.
According to reports from The Hollywood Reporter, Shelley shared the heartbreaking news on X (formerly Twitter), writing, “It is with great sadness that I announce the death of my beautiful son @Rorysykes in the Malibu fires yesterday. I’m totally heartbroken. He overcame so much with surgeries and therapies to regain his sight and learn to walk. Despite the pain, he was always enthusiastic about traveling the world, from Africa to Antarctica…”
Born on July 29, 1992, in the UK, Rory moved to Australia as a child and later relocated to the United States. Shelley mentioned that her son was staying in a cottage on their 17-acre “Mount Malibu TV Studio Estate” when he passed away.
Rory first gained recognition in his childhood, appearing on the British TV show Kiddy Kapers in 1998 and the Australian show Mornings with Kerri-Anne in 2003. He later became a professional motivational speaker, philanthropist, and co-founded the Happy Charity.
This week, the wildfire that started in Pacific Palisades spread to Malibu and Santa Monica, causing significant damage to homes, including those of several Hollywood stars.