Zendaya has set the internet abuzz with engagement rumors after she was spotted wearing a striking diamond ring at the 82nd Golden Globe Awards on Sunday, January 5. The actress, nominated for Best Actress in a Musical or Comedy for her role in Challengers, turned heads not only with her show-stopping Louis Vuitton gown but also with a piece of jewelry on her left hand that quickly caught the attention of fans.
The ring, which was prominently displayed as Zendaya walked the red carpet, has led many to speculate about a possible engagement to her long-time boyfriend, actor Tom Holland, her co-star in the Spider-Man films. Social media was soon flooded with excited reactions, with fans pointing out the size and sparkle of the ring, questioning whether it could be an engagement ring.
One fan on X (formerly Twitter) remarked, “Well congrats to Zendaya and Tom on the engagement, I think?? That is ROCK,” while others noted the couple’s tendency to keep their private life out of the spotlight. “Not saying this is an engagement ring, but Zendaya and Tom getting engaged without ‘announcing’ it seems very on-brand,” said another fan, alluding to the couple’s history of keeping things low-key.
The speculation didn’t stop there. Numerous users joked about the ring’s undeniable appearance as an engagement symbol. “Zendaya and Tom are 100% engaged because why is everyone coming over to see the ring?” wrote one fan, while another commented, “Only one of these rings matches the necklace…” referring to the carefully coordinated ensemble Zendaya wore for the event.
While Zendaya and Tom have yet to address the rumors, Holland recently spoke about the advantages of working with Zendaya in a playful interview, joking, “Studios love it. One hotel room. Separate drivers. We’re not crazy now. Listen, it’s work, alright? Oh god, yeah. It’s a saving grace. Yeah, best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
As the speculation continues, fans are eagerly waiting for official confirmation. Whether or not the ring signifies an engagement, one thing is clear—Zendaya and Tom Holland are keeping fans on their toes, and the internet is watching closely for any signs of a wedding announcement in the future.