Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese are reuniting for a highly anticipated project, The Devil in the White City, which is being revived at 20th Century Studios. The duo, known for their successful collaborations on films like Gangs of New York and The Wolf of Wall Street, will produce the film alongside Stacey Sher, Rick Yorn, and Jennifer Davisson of DiCaprio’s Appian Way Productions.
The film is an adaptation of Erik Larson’s bestselling 2004 book, Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America. The book chronicles the chilling story of Dr. H.H. Holmes, a notorious serial killer who used the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago as a hunting ground for his victims.
The project has been in the works for nearly two decades, with DiCaprio acquiring the rights back in 2010. Initially, he was set to star as Holmes, with Scorsese joining the project as director in 2015. Although the film has had a lengthy development process, it is now making significant strides forward.
While the film currently does not have a script, 20th Century Studios, led by David Greenbaum, Steve Asbell, and Sarah Shepard, will oversee the production. This new iteration of the project marks a turning point after a previously planned Hulu series starring Keanu Reeves was scrapped in 2023.
Fans of DiCaprio and Scorsese can look forward to another collaboration that explores the dark history behind one of America’s most infamous criminals.