Daniel Craig’s latest film, Queer, is now available for US audiences to watch at home, following its release on digital platforms today. Directed by Luca Guadagnino, the film is based on William S. Burroughs’ novella of the same name and features Craig as Lee, an American expat living in Mexico City. Lee becomes captivated by Eugene, a former soldier played by Drew Starkey.
The movie, which is still screening in select cinemas, can now be bought or rented through services such as Prime Video and iTunes for US viewers. While the digital release is exclusive to the US for now, the film will eventually be available in the UK via Mubi, which distributed Queer in UK cinemas. Mubi has yet to announce a specific date for the digital release there, but UK audiences can pre-order the film on Prime Video to watch it upon release.
Queer has also sparked conversations regarding its divisive third act, particularly its unresolved and ambiguous ending. Craig recently defended the film’s conclusion, drawing on insights from editor Oliver Harris, who believes that the feeling of emptiness and uncertainty at the film’s close mirrors Burroughs’ intended effect.
The film is available for digital pre-order in the UK, and physical releases on DVD and Blu-ray are expected, though exact dates have yet to be confirmed. Fans of Daniel Craig and Guadagnino’s distinct storytelling can now enjoy this thought-provoking film at home in the US.