Renowned director Lee Cronin, celebrated for his recent horror hit Evil Dead Rise, is taking the
“Jurassic World Rebirth,” directed by Gareth Edwards, is set to rejuvenate the franchise by introducing new
The upcoming Indian refugee drama The Clouds Woke No Clocks has gained significant international attention, with
“Gladiator II,” the sequel to Ridley Scott’s 2000 epic, is set for digital release on December
Kathmandu, Nepal – The highly anticipated 6th Nepal Cultural International Film Festival (NCIFF) has officially partnered
Marisa Paredes, the renowned Spanish actress known for her work with director Pedro Almodóvar in films
Marvel Studios has officially announced that Black Panther 3 is currently in development. Returning as producer
Ariana Grande is making waves in awards season with her first-ever Golden Globe nomination for Best
Arnold Schwarzenegger is trading in his action hero persona for a jolly new role as Santa
The official title of the upcoming Peaky Blinders movie has been confirmed. Titled The Immortal Man,
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