Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a sharp weapon at his home. He was severely injured and admitted to the hospital. The incident took place late last night (Wednesday) at his residence in Mumbai. According to police sources, a group of assailants attacked Saif’s home around 2 AM, with the initial assumption that it was a robbery attempt. The attackers entered the house under the cover of night and attacked Saif with a knife, leaving him critically injured. He was rushed to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai.
Saif lives in a building called Satsguru Sharan in Bandra, Mumbai, along with his wife, Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, and their two children, eight-year-old Taimur and four-year-old Jeh. Preliminary reports suggest that the family was deeply asleep when the assailants entered the house. Upon hearing noises, the family woke up, causing the attackers to flee. However, before leaving, they severely injured Saif Ali Khan. Fortunately, no other family members were harmed.
The Bandra Police have initiated an investigation into the incident and are trying to apprehend the suspects. A police officer told the media that Saif Ali Khan is receiving treatment at Lilavati Hospital. It is still unclear whether he was stabbed with a knife or injured during a struggle with the robbers. The Mumbai Crime Branch is also investigating the matter.
A statement from Saif’s assistant has been released asking the media and fans to remain calm. Updates on his health will be provided soon.
Dr. Neeraj Uttamani, a senior official at Lilavati Hospital, stated that Saif was brought in for treatment around 3:30 AM, with six wounds on his body, two of which are deep. He has also sustained an injury near his spine. Hospital sources further revealed that Saif underwent a two-and-a-half-hour surgery to remove a sharp object, believed to be a broken piece of a knife, from his body. Cosmetic surgery was performed on the wound areas.
It has been confirmed that a sharp object around 2-3 inches in size was removed from Saif’s body. Doctors believe it was a piece of the broken knife. Lilavati Hospital officials earlier confirmed that Saif had six wounds, two of which were deep, and he also sustained an injury near his spine.
This attack has caused shock and sadness throughout the Bollywood industry and across India’s entertainment world. Celebrities have expressed their prayers for Saif Ali Khan’s recovery.