The United States wants to ensure the basic rights of all the people of Bangladesh. And United States expects Bangladesh interim Dr. Yunus government must respect the fundamental rights of minorities people of Bangladesh.
He said this in a Q&A session with The Voice today. He said this in contrast to the voice question at the US State Department’s daily briefing as per the predetermined rules. America is always deeply concerned about the violation of fundamental rights of any country in the world. The Voice representative put the question “is the U.S. government’s response to allegations of widespread minority persecution in Bangladesh, including the arrest and reported mistreatment of ISKCON leader Chinmoy Das Brahmachari? Has the United States taken any concrete measures or applied pressure on the Bangladeshi government to address these issues?”

Mr Patel replied: “Resolutely, the United States stands out against all forms of violence and abuses of basic rights. We’re not fully informative about it yet, we’re keeping an eye on it. Surely we will be against all injustice.”
“British MPs Barry Gardiner and Priti Patel raised concerns in the UK Parliament over violence against Hindus in Bangladesh, highlighting over 2,000 violent incidents and calling for urgent government discussions with Bangladeshi authonties to ensure protection, law and order, and freedom of religion for minority communities.” The Voice added the info as well just next.
“No lawyer in Bangladesh willing to stand for Chinmoy Krishna Das because his lawyer was beaten and sent to the hospital. What kind of initiatives is America thinking of in this context?”
In response, Mr Patel said: “The United States will always stand against aggression and violations of fundamental rights anywhere in the world. They must be equally against any violence in the world”
He proposed that the interim Yunus government ought to be respectful for the fundamental rights ensuring of all classes of its citizens.
This is the first open-straight catechism with state department of USA about the constant distress and unending miseries of the minorities of Bangladesh.