Riaj Uddin
The passing-out parade of the probationary assistant superintendents of police in Bangladesh has been abruptly suspended. Its events gave birth
Various discussions. A police spokesman said:
The parade was scheduled to be held at the Police Academy in Rajshahi on Sunday, October 20, and senior police officials, including the Home Adviser, reached Rajshahi to join the parade. Many people think that the parade was postponed on Saturday night in a hurry when a coordinator of the anti-discrimination student movement rejected the invitation to join the program by referring to the 62 BCL cadres. As a result of the sudden postponement of this parade, the joining of 62 ASPs selected in the police cadre through the 40th BCS became uncertain. A former IGP of police said the postponement of the parade was not illegal, but it was largely unprecedented.
The Public Service Commission or PSC published the notice of the 40th BCS examination in September 2018.
After that, the government published the gazette of the selected candidates in November 2022 after all the stages of scrutiny, including the preliminary written oral examination. According to the gazette, 71 people were supposed to join the post of Assistant Superintendent of Police. Of them, 62 were scheduled to take part in the concluding parade at the parade ground of the police academy on Sunday after completing two years of training.
Political analyst and Dhaka University teacher Prof Robayet Ferdous said the incident exposed the Home Ministry’s lack of coordination, submissive attitude and lack of capacity.
Prof Mujibur Rahman, another teacher of Dhaka University, said it was not prudent to take such a decision for an entire batch.
The government can take action if it is proved in a proper investigation if someone gets a favor or a job with political identity or benefits. But it cannot be logical to label a batch as political.
Earlier, from August 5 to August 8, after the so-called mass uprising, 47 police stations were burnt! More than 3,000 policemen were killed. Analysts believe that the morale of the police is still delicate. The sudden suspension of the parade is seen as another blow to the police.