Anne Hathaway is set to star in an untitled AI thriller directed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, produced by T-Street Productions. While plot details are being kept under wraps, the film marks another collaboration between Gordon-Levitt and T-Street, following their successful partnership with Rian Johnson.
No word on plot details yet, but we hear Gordon-Levitt wrote the script with Kieran Fitzgerald, who previously co-wrote his 2016 Oliver Stone movie Snowden. Both share ‘story by’ credit with Natasha Lyonne, the star of Johnson’s hit human-lie-detector series Poker Face for Peacock.
This project continues Gordon-Levitt’s long creative relationship with Johnson, beginning with Brick (2005) and continuing with Looper and Don Jon. The rise of AI in film has captured widespread attention, with the thriller set to tap into growing societal concerns about the technology’s impact.
Hathaway, who has enjoyed a busy year, continues to build an impressive portfolio with projects like Verity, Yesteryear, and Flowervale Street. She is also involved in the crime thriller Paper Tiger and recently completed filming Mother Mary with David Lowery.
T-Street Productions, which signed a two-film deal with Warner Bros, also has Poker Face season 2 in the works, alongside the third Knives Out film, Wake Up Dead Man.