Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has been brutally attacked at his Mumbai residence, leaving him with multiple injuries, including one near his spine and another on his neck. Saif was quickly rushed to Lilavati Hospital where he underwent surgery. His team has confirmed that he is now stable, but the incident has sparked deep concern across the industry.
The attack has stunned the entire Bollywood community, with fans and colleagues alike expressing their worry about the actor’s health. His Devara: Part 1 co-star Jr NTR was one of the first to react, offering his best wishes for Saif’s speedy recovery.
Jr NTR took to social media to express his shock and sadness, writing, “Shocked and saddened to hear about the attack on Saif sir. Wishing and praying for his speedy recovery and good health.”
Actress Pooja Bhatt raised concerns about the law and order situation in the country, questioning, “Law & Order. We have laws… what about order?”
Actor Chiranjeevi, deeply disturbed by the incident, said, “Wishing and praying for his speedy recovery.”
Actor and Member of Parliament Ravi Kishan also expressed his sorrow over the attack. Speaking to PTI in a video interview, he said, “It’s a very sad incident. He’s our friend and colleague. We cannot accept such an attack on him. I have full faith in the police, and I’m sure the robber will be caught. The police must investigate thoroughly.”
He further added, “There should be more focus on the security of actors. This is a very sad example. I will pray to Lord Mahadev for Saif’s quick recovery and assure his family that the government and police are with them.”
The attack on Saif Ali Khan has sparked widespread concerns about security for celebrities, as well as for ordinary citizens in Mumbai.