Renowned director Lee Cronin, celebrated for his recent horror hit Evil Dead Rise, is taking the reins for a fresh reboot of The Mummy. Scheduled for release on April 17, 2026, this reimagining will be produced by Blumhouse, Atomic Monster, and Doppelgängers, alongside other major studios.
Cronin has promised a unique take on the classic tale, stating that his version will be “unlike any Mummy movie made before.” This announcement has generated significant excitement among fans, with many calling for a return of Brendan Fraser, who starred in the beloved 1999 adaptation of The Mummy alongside Rachel Weisz.
The franchise, which originally debuted in 1932, has been revisited several times, including the Tom Cruise-led version in 2017. However, Cronin’s horror expertise, coupled with his recent success (Evil Dead Rise grossed nearly $150 million globally), has raised expectations for a standout entry in the series.
As fans eagerly await updates on the cast and storyline, the question remains: will Brendan Fraser reprise his iconic role? Only time will tell.