The highly anticipated sixth installment in the Final Destination horror series, Bloodlines, has confirmed its release date for May 16, 2025. Directed by Zach Lipovsky and Adam Stein from a script by Guy Busick and Lori Evans Taylor, the film will take over the slot originally held by the mystery thriller Flowervale Street, which has been postponed to March 2026 (via Variety).
Previous genre hits like A Quiet Place and The Hangover have found success in May, making it a prime release window for the supernatural horror franchise.
Since its debut in 2000, Final Destination has followed a group of survivors who narrowly escape death after one person experiences a premonition warning them of an impending disaster. The films are known for their inventive and terrifying “death scenes.”
In a return to the series, Tony Todd will reprise his role as William Bludworth, the mysterious mortician who possesses deep knowledge of Death’s workings. This marks his fourth appearance in the Final Destination films, excluding his voice role in Final Destination 3. The film will also explore Bludworth’s backstory, featuring a flashback to his childhood.
Bloodlines stars Brec Bassinger (Stargirl), Teo Briones (Chucky), Kaitlyn Santa Juana (Dear Evan Hansen), Richard Harmon (The 100), Anna Lore (Gotham Knights), and Max Lloyd-Jones and Rya Kihlstedt (Star Wars).
Producer Craig Perry previously hinted at a possible new direction for the franchise, with Bloodlines potentially exploring the world of first responders. “These people deal with death on the front lines every day, making decisions that could either save or end lives,” he explained. “What if we place them in a nightmare where every choice is a matter of life and death—for themselves?”
With this fresh take and the return of Tony Todd, Bloodlines promises to offer unique and thrilling death sequences, solidifying its place as a notable entry in the Final Destination series.