The attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has taken a new turn, with the arrest of a woman from Nadia, West Bengal. Police claim that the woman is connected to the main suspect, Shariful Islam Shehzad.
According to Indian media reports, the woman helped Shariful, a Bangladeshi national, enter India illegally.
As per a report by Indian news agency PTI, the arrested woman hails from Andalulia village in Murshidabad. Police conducted searches in various parts of Nadia district on January 27 and finally apprehended her from the Chapra area.
On January 16, late at night, Saif Ali Khan was stabbed by an unidentified individual at his home. Following the attack, the police arrested Shariful Islam Shehzad. Mumbai Police claims that Shehzad is a Bangladeshi national who had illegally entered India a few months ago.
However, Shehzad’s lawyers have rejected these claims, asserting that he has been residing in Mumbai for a long time.
There are also growing doubts about Shariful’s involvement in the attack. His father, Ruhul Amin Fakir, has stated that the person seen in the footage of the attack does not resemble his son. He further pointed out that his son usually keeps his hair short, while the person in the footage had a different hairstyle.
Additionally, the CID has reported that there is no match between the fingerprints of Shehzad and those found at the crime scene, complicating the investigation further.