Mumbai police have uncovered shocking revelations in the case of the attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. The accused, Shariful Islam Shehzad, is reportedly a national-level wrestler from Bangladesh. While he grew up in Bangladesh, he is said to have illegally entered India and had been residing in Mumbai for the past few months.
On Wednesday night, Shariful broke into the residence of Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor. When Saif tried to stop him, Shariful stabbed the actor, leaving him injured. One of the household staff members was also wounded in the incident. After being arrested, Shariful confessed to his crime, stating that his intent was to commit burglary.
Police investigations revealed that Shariful was unaware that the house belonged to Saif Ali Khan. He claimed he did not recognize the actor at the time of the attack but later found out that he had targeted a well-known Bollywood star.
According to the Mumbai police, Shariful entered India without valid documentation. Over the past five months, he worked at several hotels and restaurants in Mumbai. However, he lost his job at a restaurant in Worli last August after being accused of theft.
The incident has sparked widespread attention among Bollywood and the general public. Authorities are now delving deeper into Shariful’s background and his activities in India.