The animated sequel Moana 2, originally conceived as a streaming TV series, has now crossed the $1 billion mark at the global box office, becoming a massive success for Disney.
As of its eighth weekend in theaters, Moana 2 has grossed $445 million domestically and $567 million internationally, bringing its total to $1.009 billion. This makes it Disney’s third billion-dollar film release of 2024, following Inside Out 2 and Deadpool & Wolverine, capping off a remarkable year for the studio. No other competitor released a $1 billion film in 2024, with Universal’s Despicable Me 4 coming closest at $969 million.
Released on November 28, Moana 2 set a Thanksgiving box office record, raking in $225 million over the five-day holiday, surpassing Frozen II’s previous record of $125 million. Despite receiving mixed critical reviews, the film has maintained strong momentum thanks to positive word-of-mouth, staying in the top five of domestic charts for seven consecutive weekends. In its eighth week, it secured $6.1 million over the weekend and $8.4 million during the extended Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.
The success of Moana 2 highlights the potential for theatrical releases, especially since the film was originally developed as a series for Disney+ before being reworked into a feature film. The film’s performance also ensures continued revenue through home entertainment and eventually streaming on Disney’s platform. The first Moana (2016) earned $680 million globally, but it gained even more popularity after becoming a hit on Disney+, where it remains one of the most-watched titles. Disney is also working on a live-action remake of the original, set for release in 2026.
Dwayne Johnson and Auli’i Cravalho reprise their roles as Maui and Moana in the sequel, where Moana embarks on a journey to find a hidden island and break a curse. Lin-Manuel Miranda, who penned memorable songs for the first film, did not return for the sequel, passing the songwriting duties to Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear, creators of The Unofficial Bridgerton Musical.
With its enormous success, a third installment of Moana seems almost inevitable.