In a shocking incident, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed at his Bandra residence early on January 16 by an intruder allegedly attempting theft. The Mumbai Police apprehended the accused, a 30-year-old Bangladeshi national, after an intense 70-hour chase.
The accused, identified as Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad, had reportedly entered India under the alias Bijoy Das. He was arrested in Thane after evading police for nearly three days.
The attack occurred around 2:30 AM in Saif Ali Khan’s apartment on the 12th floor of the upscale ‘Satguru Sharan’ building. The actor sustained multiple stab wounds and was rushed to Lilavati Hospital for emergency surgery. Doctors have confirmed that the 54-year-old actor is recovering well and is likely to be discharged soon.
Mumbai Police, investigating the case, initially detained two suspects—a carpenter and another individual at Durg railway station in Chhattisgarh—but both were released after verification. CCTV footage from a Dadar mobile shop helped identify the real assailant.
This incident has raised serious concerns about celebrity security and the motives behind such attacks. Police are continuing their investigation to uncover further details.